Monday, September 2, 2013

21 & Over DVD (Before viewing contains no spoilers)

The writers of "The Hangover" and "Change-Up" bring you 21 & Over now on DVD.  The trailer (above) looks like many college/ high school films that have come before it.  In many ways, that's very true.  "Jeff Chang" is turning 21 and his "boys" "Casey" and "Miller" go to surprise him at his dorm to take him out (read: "get him drunk") for his milestone birthday.  The adventure catalyst is Miller.  He's a kid who hasn't changed much over the years while his friend Casey has grown up and is ready to begin his responsible life just before college actually ends.  As you may have guessed from seeing this plot line/ movie over and over again, this is completely unacceptable.  Miller, using his spot on Vince-Vaughn-from-Swingers-ad-lib-impersonation inspires his friends to make poor decisions. 

What do I mean that we have seen this plot line/ movie before?  Let's go down the checklist:
Young men almost naked, check!  Young women topless, check! (however, much less than you would see in other similar genre films and no that didn't disappoint me!)  LOTS of alcohol, check!  Epic Parties in frats and sororities, check!  Extreme shenanigans, check!

So you think you have seen this movie before?  Mostly you have, however there is a dark underpinning of something else, other than Miller motivating Jeff Chang.  This is the thing that interests me the most as it is a thing of substance and character.  Of course, it's a spoiler and I can't talk about it here.

This is a decent rental and there is more to it than a re-treading of "Animal House", "Project X", "revenge of the nerds" and "American Pie" who have all done this before but not necessarily better.  Be sure to check out 21 & Over DVD (After viewing the film).  

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