Saturday, September 14, 2013

Getaway review now in theaters (Pre viewing review, contains nospoilers)

First time writers Sean Finegan and Greg Maxwell Parker and Director Courtney Solomon (director of "Captivity" which I enjoyed), bring you "Getaway".

Getaway stars Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez and the barely seen John Voight.

I am going to tell you a secret.  I have a knack for knowing from a trailer whether or not I am going to like a movie or film.  It's all gut and instinct and it's usually correct.  I saw the trailer for this movie and I didn't have a feeling at all whatsoever and that happens as well.

So what I do when I get a bad feeling or no feeling as I got with this movie, is I will read all of the terrible reviews ultimately, lowering my expectations.  I am usually able to find some enjoyment from doing that.  That said, I read endless terrible reviews and then went to the movie.

The movie is about Brent Magna (Hawke) who is an ex-racecar driver who is asked to do a set of "tasks" by the evil John Voight.  Why does he do them?  Because his wife was abducted by Voight and he will kill her if he doesn't.  Along the way, Selena Gomez tries to jack the car (or so it would seem from the trailer) and now she is added to the missions at hand.  The trailer is very misleading as Selena Gomez looks like she's trying to be "gangster".

Without spoiling anything, I cannot confirm or deny that she is some type of a gangster, car jacker, but I was pleasantly surprised with what the decision of what they did with her character.

You have seen a variation of this movie before, you could tell from the trailer, so why should you see it?  I don't have any really good answers to that question.  Some people enjoy muscle car chases so much that they have made entirely too many Fast and the Furious movies.  That's one answer I suppose.  If you are a car chase fan, this movie is for you!  There is no CGI whatsoever in this movie.  Ethan Hawke in an interview said there were very small HD digital cameras placed throughout the cars as they went through rigorous stunts.

If you are a Selena Gomez fan, I would say you should probably see it.  They give her far more to do than veteran Ethan Hawke.  All throughout the movie, Magna does exactly as he's told, never questioning a single command.  Enter Selena, she is the questioning subconscious that Magna should have.

As with all movies with car chases, extensive or otherwise, you have to wonder about continuity, by which I mean the condition of the car.

Remember Commando?

You can see that this Shelby Mustang hits a good number of things in this movie.  Early on in the film, Voight tells magna that the car has been armor plated so that is supposed to explain why it can take so much damage, without actually getting damaged.  We do see an armored truck hit a cement post and crumple later in the film, but you aren't supposed to notice that.  So yes, the car survives much abuse through a lot of the movie.  Having said that, the side view mirror does do a brief disappear, reappear, then disappear again act.  While I noticed it, it didn't bother me.  Remember, I knew what I was getting into before I walked in.

The movie is cut together like a MTV-Baz Luhrmann-music video-on-steroids and that's what keeps the willing suspension of disbelief fueled.  You simply don't have time to think as it's a very swift moving movie.  Just remember to bring dramamine.

If you like the Fast and the Furious type movies, I would definitely say this is worth the price of a matinee.

Lastly, there is nothing after the credits, so no need to hang out unless you absolutely must know who the "best boy" was.  You're welcome!

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