Monday, September 2, 2013

Film VS. Movie

I have said before that there is a difference between a film and a movie.  It's almost a concept that is as hard to define as "independent film" but I am willing to give it a shot.  If you like what I write, you will notice that I shift between "film" and "movie" but there is no common context.  Like most things you will read on my blog, this is my humble opinion.  What I like about an opinion is that it cannot be refuted BWA HA HA HA!!!  But I digress...

A movie is shot with the purpose of spectacle.  It's a somewhat musical conclave of visuals with which your eyes can dance.  There's usually a lot of action and folly.  There's usually excessive editing.  On rare occasion there is a plot that is not contrived.

A film however, is crafted with the intention to make you feel something (other than exhausted) afterward.  You are expected to leave the theater learning something new about culture, people, etc.  You are expected to leave the theater with a renewed sense of self in some cases, inspired.

In short, films (again, in my opinion) have more substance than movies.  Please don't get me wrong, movies are great things.  Most of the things I see in theaters are movies.  My lovely bride is of the notion that spectacles should be viewed on the big screen, therefore that is mostly what I see when I go to the theater.  I tend to be forced to rent films that I want to see.  On occasion, I can talk her into seeing a film in the theater, but it's a rarity.

So there you have it!  My terminology in a nutshell.

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