Sunday, September 1, 2013

Welcome to my blog

Greetings everyone!  Welcome to my Film Blog.  It is here, in this space that I plan on talking about all things Film.  I will post various film lists that I have created.  I will review films and movies (yes, there is a difference).  I have my own ratings system that boils down to the bottom line.  MONEY!  A fantastic film (in my honest opinion) will garner an "any 'cost'", a good film may be worthy of an "evening cost of a ticket", a decent film worth watching, but far from great gets the distinct "Matinee ticket cost".  Lastly, there are the bottom two categories: "rental" and "pass".  Pass, as you may have guessed, means that I should have skipped that movie altogether.  I am also planning an experimental "before" article as well as an "after" which will contain spoilers, of course you would read "after" if you so desire upon completion of the film.  I will also review previews prior to seeing the films.  Sound like fun?!  Well, I hope that you continue to visit this page.  I look forward to sharing and discussing Film with you.
Once again, welcome

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